How Our Marketing Agency is Mastering Workflow Efficiency with AI

It’s no secret that AI has taken the world by storm. While some are expressing concerns for their job security, others are diving deep into ways they can use AI to automate time-consuming tasks, maximize their productivity, and make room for attention in other areas of their business or craft. Wondering how you can use the new technology to your advantage? Read on for a few ways we’ve started streamlining our business processes and mastering workflow efficiency with AI.


Experiencing a creative block or just wanting a third-party to offer additional content ideas for you to consider? We’ve loved using AI to generate topic ideas, specifically for our own blog posts. 

Here’s a recent example: we knew for a while that on June 1st we were planning on launching Decode Your Data, our latest course on social media analytics. To warm up our audience, we wanted to make a month’s-worth of our weekly blogs leading up to the launch be analytics-focused without giving away too much course content. So, we turned to ChatGPT

workflow efficiency streamline business process ai

While we didn’t necessarily love every blog topic it generated, it helped direct our train of thought and was the creative boost we needed to ultimately brainstorm the blog topics we decided on.


Because artificial intelligence can’t browse the web or access external information, we’re hesitant to fully rely on it when it comes to keyword research. In fact, we’ve noticed some discrepancies between the search volume and competition score it reports versus reports from trusted sources like UberSuggest

For that reason, we can’t confidently recommend using AI for keyword research. However, we CAN recommend sharing the keywords you’ve identified on your own with AI and asking it to use those keywords to generate click-worthy SEO titles, meta descriptions, etc.


Overall, AI has been a phenomenal starting place for copy-related items. We emphasize starting place because one thing that this technology lacks is the ability to fully capture the essence of a brand’s voice. It lacks that personal touch that, as of right now, only humans and expert creatives can truly evoke. Here are a few ways we’ve experimented using AI for copy-related to-do’s:


For this one, we recommend being as specific as possible with your ChatGPT request. Take some time to explore Pinterest Trends and discover what keywords are relevant to your audience. Then, describe your brand to AI and ask it to create a pin description using the listed keywords.

Here’s an example prompt: I am a body lotion company. Write 5 Pinterest pin descriptions using the keyword “body care.”

You may even consider using AI to assist with copy generation for additional marketing materials. Check out this TikTok where another marketer shares how they’ve used ChatGPT to create an extensive content calendar filled with individual post and caption ideas.


Not sure how to respond to a trickly client email? Or maybe you’re not sure how to maintain a positive, polite tone while relaying information firmly? Explain the situation to ChatGPT and you’ll be surprised by the quality messages they can generate for you!

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box with emails ChatGPT can help generate for you. Wanting to collaborate with a brand on a set date? Ask AI to draft the pitch for you! Use it as the foundation for your email and tweak it to make it stronger and more personalized.

Here’s an example prompt: I am a digital marketing agency wanting to collaborate with [BRAND NAME] on Social Media Day by hosting an Instagram Story takeover on their account sharing xyz. Write a pitch I can email to them.


Already have a starting point with your copy, but aren’t loving how it sounds? Is there a phrase you consistently use in your client emails that is in need of a refresh? Or maybe there’s a client that’s just not picking up what you’re putting down? Send the existing text over to ChatGPT and ask it to generate alternative options.


Lastly, we love using Canva’s free AI image generator to create beautiful imagery. It’s great for getting an image that you might not already have in your content inventory. All you need to do is provide a written description of the image you’re wanting and watch the text to image transformation occur before your eyes.

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We’ll be honest and say that some images look undeniably artificial, while others are actually pretty impressive! Our guess is this technology will only continue to improve overtime. But for now, it’s worth a shot as is!


The fact that the above uses of AI have already transformed our current workflows AND they only scratch the surface of what AI is capable of is mindblowing. While ChatGPT and Canva are our current go-to AI tools, here are a few others we have on our radar to try out:

  • Jasper - this system supposedly specializes in copywriting and capturing a brand’s tone of voice

  • Notion - the idea with this one is that having AI integrated into your current task management system or meeting notes destination will further streamline your workflow

    • @Asana, can we get one of these pls?! 👀

  • AIPRM - this system adds a list of curated prompt templates for SEO, SaaS and more to ChatGPT

  • We’ve also found the below Twitter threads with:

In need of more tips for streamlining your business processes and improving your workflow efficiency with AI? If you’ve been following us for a while, you know we love tuning into webinars. We recently watched this one by Agency Management Institute (no, we’re not sponsored or affiliated… just pretty cool homies that don’t gatekeep 😇) and discovered some pretty cool things! Enjoy.

P.S. Something systems-related is launching in the HMS Shop at the end of this month. 👀Join our weekly newsletter to stay in the loop on what’s to come!


The Homies


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