3 Ways to Maximize ROI From Pinterest

Did you know that you can reach over 200 million people on Pinterest?! Unlike most other social media platforms, Pinterest doubles as a search engine, making it a great resource for discoverability. Let’s dive into three ways to use Pinterest to expand your reach and increase ROI overall!


The first step in generating more website traffic from Pinterest is to optimize your profile. An optimized Pinterest account is well-positioned to reach a large number of users and increase brand awareness.

There are three key areas to optimize your account:

  1. Profile information

  2. Boards

  3. Pins


Start by optimizing the foundation of your account– your profile. Go through this checklist when creating or updating your Pinterest profile: 

  • Set your profile as a business account rather than a personal account.

  • Include a brief description of your business with your mission and purpose clearly stated.

  • Link to and claim your website.

  • Verify your account.

  • Set a professional photo or logo as your profile picture.

  • Add additional social media profile links.

how to maximize roi from pinterest

By ensuring your profile is professional, appealing, and includes this key information, your account will be well-positioned to reach your target audience and convert viewers into followers. 


The next step in increasing ROI from Pinterest is to strategically plan your boards! Separate your pins with various boards and ensure each board has:

  1. An SEO-optimized title

  2. A description with relevant keywords

  3. A cover image

When picking a title, brainstorm what your target audience would likely search on Pinterest to find this board. Your title should include those keywords and be an accurate reflection of the pins found within the board. Be sure to add a keyword-rich board description as well.

When selecting cover images for your boards, stick to an on-brand color scheme in order to maintain consistency and a cohesive look overall. Think of the culmination of your board covers like an Instagram grid. See below for some inspo!

how to maximize roi from pinterest


Because Pinterest doubles as both a social network and a search engine, a third way to optimize your Pinterest is through keyword and trend usage. This strengthens your overall strategy because the desire for and popularity of the content leads to more viewers and engagement.

Trends are content and keywords that users have consistently searched for on Pinterest in the past year. A helpful tip when planning is to think seasonally and participate in trends that add relevancy and excitement. 

To research which trends to incorporate trends into your content, we love using Pinterest Trends.

Once you have a trending content idea, it’s time to conduct keyword research. Here’s a glimpse into our process:

  1. Utilize Pinterest search’s drop-down list: Type your keyword in the search bar and see what the drop-down menu suggests as you are typing it. The drop-down list will provide keywords that are the most searched because it is based on popularity.

  2. Leverage Pinterest’s ad capabilites: On Pinterest click on “create ad” > “consideration” > “continue” > set “new customers”' as the targeting strategy. This will grant you access to keywords. From there, you can add your own and see suggested keywords to use.

Once your target keywords have been identified, be sure to include them in your:

  1. Profile names 

  2. Profile descriptions

  3. Pin titles and descriptions

  4. Board titles and descriptions

how to maximize roi from pinterest


Wondering why your pins aren’t converting? Apply these pointers to improve your pin design process. 

First, it’s important to keep in mind that Pinterest is an image-based platform. Because of this, it’s critical to create eye-catching graphics that convey your message quickly and effectively. 

To do so:

  • Use a vertical template.

  • Keep the information on your pins simple so it’s easy for your audience to understand your message at a quick glance. 

  • To ensure conversion, make sure to include links back to your website on all of your pins. 

  • Keep the call to action clear by keeping text minimal on your designs.

  • Use on-brant colors, fonts, and imagery.

how to maximize roi from pinterest


Lastly, when increasing ROI from Pinterest, consistency, planning, and engagement are vital. If you are consistent with posting content, it will result in your boards being indexed for searches more easily. Additionally, it creates relevancy and builds familiarity among users.

Creating content and scheduling it in advance will help your brand push out higher-quality content at a consistent pace. At Homemade Social, we love creating pins in Canva and scheduling pins in Tailwind! Just like any other social media platform, in addition to posting consistently, it’s important to also engage with other accounts by re-pinning daily. We love that Tailwind grants us both of these capabilities.

Once your pins have been published, regularly check in on your boards and delete any old pins that are not seeing a high engagement rate. This will signal to Pinterest that only high-quality and engaging pins live on your Pinterest board.

We hope you found this blog post helpful in learning about increasing ROI from Pinterest. With a proper strategy in place, Pinterest can work wonders when it comes to generating organic traffic to your site. For more social media tips, be sure to follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our weekly social media newsletter. Chat soon!


The Homies


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