6 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram

Have you been noticing fewer likes on your Instagram posts lately? Or maybe minimal views on your stories? If you have, you’re not alone. 

With all the new algorithm changes and Instagram’s big push towards IG Reels, users are noticing a big drop in engagement in recent posts. Keep reading for six techniques we’ve been incorporating into our clients’ social strategies to increase their Instagram engagement! 


There’s nothing that people love more than free stuff. Giveaways, promotions, deals, or sales are all sure to grab the attention of people scrolling. 

Recently, we’ve loved encouraging our audience to like or comment on our posts by offering an incentive. This gives users a reason to engage with your content because there’s something in it for them. 

For instance, consider hosting a giveaway and making an entry requirement to comment on the post, tag a friend, or share the post to their story. This not only helps boost your engagement but also introduces your content to people outside your audience. 

We took advantage of this tactic for our client, Perfect Bar, recently on a giveaway post. By teasing the release of a flavor, the audience was incentivized to reach a certain number of comments on the post. This was truly a win-win, as Perfect Bar was able to get more engagement and the audience was able to get a new product. 


Instagram stickers, like polls, questions, or countdowns, are the easiest way to directly interact with your audience. Something as simple as a “this or that” poll or a “let us know what you think!” question gives your audience the feeling they’re talking to a real person. 

Creating an environment that makes your audience feel like they know and trust you is key to having strong consistent engagement. No one wants to think they’re just having a one-sided conversation with a phone screen, and building a relationship with your audience will prompt them to engage in those conversations. This is based on the Know, Like, Trust factor, which emphasizes the importance of getting an audience to know, like, and trust your brand in order to build a strong relationship. 

Sparking engagement is key to landing more eyes (aka reach and impressions!) on your posts. When users engage with a piece of content, the algorithm is told that users are resonating with the content and find it valuable. As a result, the content is pushed to more users to view. This can not only increase traffic from your own following but also your potential new following as well. 


Put all that time scrolling on social media to good use and take advantage of current trends! Posting memes, trending sounds, or pop culture references makes any brand seem relatable and creative. Plus, it’s a great way to get your content reposted to stories and drive more traffic to your account. Reels are becoming the fastest-growing content on Instagram, and utilizing videos with trending sounds is a sure way to engage your audience and extend your reach. 

Not only do users love something they relate to, but they also love something that is useful. Posting valuable content is a great way to get users to stop their scrolls and look through your content. Tips, tricks, or hacks help establish your credibility in your field while also providing helpful insight for your audience. Valuable content is likely to be shared or saved for later among users in your field, all of which helps boost engagement for your brand. 


Did you know that when consumers feel connected to a brand, 57% of them will increase their spending with that brand and 76% will buy from them over a competitor? This is why engaging with both your current and potential audience is key.

The goal when conducting community management is to not only foster your current community but also engage with target consumers that might not have heard of your brand yet. This helps expand the reach of your brand and get on your target audience’s radar, which can result in them checking out your profile and ultimately following your account. 

Once new followers have been gained, it’s important to keep your content on-brand and consistent through content pillars. Having a clear guideline of what content to post helps keep content fresh, while also allowing your audience to know what to expect from you. 


A call to action is a phrase used at the end of a piece of content that is meant to prompt engagement. A direct question shows interest and can be a fun way to get new responses, but the key is to be creative! CTAs don’t have to just be directing users to your website. Think something along the lines of: 

  • “Send this to a friend who…”

  • “Leave a comment with any recommendations for…”

  • “Save this post to refer back to the next time you need to...”

  • “Cast your vote in the comments.”


Lastly, regularly tracking analytics is key to learning more not only about your brand and content but also your audience. When tracking analytics for social media, take note of what is doing well and continue doing it. If something is not resonating with your audience as expected, consider trying out something else! Repeat this process routinely and continue optimizing your strategy accordingly.

We hope this blog post helped you learn how to increase your engagement on Instagram in six simple steps! For more tips, check out our Instagram and subscribe to our social media newsletter

xx, The Homies


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