Top 4 Mistakes You’re Making With Influencer Marketing

Picture this: exposure to a bigger audience, access to beautiful user-generated content, and a friendly, trusted face making your brand unforgettable. What's not to love? We know navigating influencer campaigns can seem like a lot, but don't worry! Let's dive into the top four influencer marketing mistakes to avoid in order to set your brand up for success.


For a moment, think about some of your favorite influencers. They share brands they love, and now you love them too, right? The bridge between audiences and brands is often filled in with influencers. They connect users to brands effortlessly, which is precisely the goal of their campaigns.

WIth that being said, it is more important than ever to find influencers with a genuine community, rather than a huge following that doesn’t really connect with the influencer itself. In the wild jungle of influencer marketing, many brands get hypnotized by the shimmer of follower counts. They forget that engagement rates are the real MVPs here, the ones who actually bring in the right numbers. It’s like hiring a hype man who shouts to a stadium of 10,000 people, but only 10 are actually listening, and 5 of those have no idea what is going on.

You can never underestimate the power of a true influencer community. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about forging a bond stronger than superglue between an influencer and their flock. When that community trusts someone, they’re more likely to follow them into the valleys of product recommendations. Moral of the story: don’t be dazzled by the big numbers; seek out the influencers whose communities ride or die.

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Sure, a one-time collab might give you a quick awareness boost, but think about the long term. By teaming up with an influencer multiple times, you’re not just courting their followers; you’re practically serenading them with your brand. Who wouldn’t fall in love with that? So, instead of spreading your brand thin with countless influencers, focus on cultivating a meaningful connection with a few really solid ones. They seem to be the partnerships that always stand the test of time. ⏰

By nurturing these repeat collaborations, you’re not just banking on visibility; you’re investing in a steady stream of affection from your target audience. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is brand loyalty. So, show up consistently, and soon enough, they’ll be swiping right on your product faster than you can say “retargeting magic!” After all, in marketing and in life, sometimes it takes a few nudges (or seven - hiii rule of seven) for someone to say, “Hey, you’re not so bad after all.”


Ever wondered why influencers aren't gushing over your gifts? Maybe it's because your idea of “thoughtful packaging” is tossing a product into a brown box and calling it a day. If you want influencers to showcase your product like it’s their favorite new treasure, you need to win them over with charm. Make them fall in love with your offering, or even better, send a custom-made version just for them. 

Personalization isn’t just about the product. A handwritten card or additional gifts complementing your product can make a significant impact. Bonus points for including something that aligns with the influencer’s interests or upcoming events.

Remember, happy influencers make for rave reviews. So, give them a reason to rave louder than a concert on steroids. And who knows, maybe your next product will trend so hard, everyone will start tagging you in their TikToks.


Ah, the classic “expecting huge results with no budget” strategy. Influencer marketing often requires a budget to achieve desired outcomes. 

A larger budget allows for:

  • Increased deliverable requirements or a “more valuable” TYPE of deliverable requirement (ie story vs. Reel)

  • More opportunity for collaboration with macro-influencers

  • Ability to negotiate exclusivity agreements, whitelisting rights, etc.

  • Increased partnership duration

  • And more!

influencer marketing

We created a recent Instagram post sharing the minimum rates brands can expect for influencer collaborations. These numbers can help brands realistically understand how many collaborations they could afford to secure and how many users they would likely reach through those partnerships as well.

We hope you found this blog post helpful in learning more about how to set your brand up for success with influencer marketing! For tips on all things influencer marketing, be sure to check out our Influencer Contract Template, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our digital marketing newsletter. Enjoy!


The Homies


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