The One Thing You Need to Accelerate Growth on TikTok

It’s no secret that TikTok- more specifically, video content- is on the rise with no means of stopping anytime soon. With Instagram prioritizing IG Reels and TikTok’s large and rapidly growing user base, it is important to create easily digestible video content that you can share on both platforms to help increase your brand awareness, engagement, and following.

We know it can be daunting to figure out where to start with creating video content, but luckily the key to succeeding on TikTok all boils down to one thing: trends! Read on to discover a few of our favorite ways to discover trending TikTok songs, hashtags, and more to start incorporating into your content strategy ASAP!


Finding and using trending TikTok songs is a great way to gain exposure. Because the use of trending songs is so widespread, it makes it easier for your content to be discovered by more users.

The first way to identify trending audio is by going to the TikTok  app where you would film your video and clicking “add a sound.” This will take you to all of the different songs and audio options available, and it even categorizes it by genre, with a section specifically dedicated to viral sounds. 

A second option for finding trending audio is scrolling through the “For You” page. This will be content curated for you by the TikTok algorithm. Note any audio that you’ve heard multiple times, as this most likely means that it’s currently trending. To check the popularity of an audio, click on the sound itself to see how many videos have used it. Generally, the more videos that have used that sound, the more popular the audio is.

Remember to keep in mind that if a sound you’re looking at doesn’t have many videos, but a significant number of the videos were posted recently and have moderate-to-high engagement (ie a large number of views, likes, and comments), this could be a good indication that the audio has potential for virality. 

Once you’ve found trending TikTok songs that you like, save them to your favorites so that you can refer back to them later on when you’re ready to create. Consider watching some of the videos that have used the sound to gain inspiration for the content you want to film in your own video - whether it be replicating what the creator showed or did, the filters they used, etc. 


Similar to other social media platforms, TikTok hashtags can help increase the discoverability of your videos when someone is searching for specific content. Since TikTok has a somewhat low character limit for captions, it’s important that you use just a couple of hashtags that are relevant to your content and niche to reach your desired audience. 

In addition to boosting visibility, trending hashtags on TikTok are beneficial for building a community because you can encourage others to use your own unique hashtag. The best way to identify hashtags relevant to your niche is by going to TikTok’s search feature and typing in any words or phrases that you feel represent the content you make. After clicking on the “hashtags” tab, this will generate a list of related hashtags that utilize the word or phrase you searched. It will even include the view count next to each respective hashtag, which is a good indication of popularity. 

Searching for trending hashtags on TikTok is also a great way to identify other TikTok trends and popular sounds related to the hashtag and gain inspiration for the different content you may want to film. 

trending hashtags on tiktok


Another great way to identify TikTok trends is by following top creators within your niche. To find trending creators, you can:

  • Scroll through your “For You” page

  • Search for keywords relevant to your brand, and explore the video results to find creators making the content you desire 

Once you’ve followed some creators that you like, note what they’re doing well and try to identify any commonalities among their content so that you can replicate it yourself, whether that be using the same sound, hashtags, and filters or creating something similar. 

We hope you found this blog post helpful in learning more about how to succeed on TikTok! Remember: many TikTok trends go hand-in-hand. You can find trending hashtags when exploring popular sounds and vice versa. Regardless of the method you choose to find Tiktok trends, participate in the ones that are relevant to your brand and the message you want to send to your audience. Being authentic is just as, if not more, important for growing your following than simply recreating every trend you see on TikTok. 

For more tips on how to win on TikTok, check out our online ReelTok Course.

xx- The Homies


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