3 Reasons to Add Influencer Marketing into Your Marketing Mix

There is no question about it, collaborating with influencers is the way to go.  As influencer marketing continues to grow and become more formalized, it gives brands a perfect opportunity to increase brand awareness and relate to their audience in a genuine way. Curious about influencer marketing benefits? Here is why we suggest incorporating influencer marketing into your strategy. 


It is no shock that audiences are heavily influenced by those they follow and relate to. Influencers hold weight with their audience, which gives brands a perfect opportunity to spread awareness and influence buying behavior. Partnering with influencers that have an audience aligning with your specific niche is essential in order to accurately influence, making influencer marketing highly valuable for brands.

While this strategy can be utilized year-round, it is especially useful for building excitement around brand campaigns and launches. If your audience can see new products being used before a drop, then they are familiarized with its use and can get excited about a launch. There is something about being able to share the same products as their favorite creators that builds excitement and loyalty.


In a fickle market, people are more hesitant to buy into products and trust brands. With an overwhelming amount of options, audiences need to feel that they can trust a brand and its services. Having a relatable influencer endorse a brand or company can fill this gap between consumer and brand and act as a bridge. 

Influencers help humanize the brand, allowing the audience to put a personality and face to their favorite products. The best brand content, especially on platforms like TikTok, should not feel like an ad. This means staying away from perfection and leaning into influencer relatability. Collaborating with creators does just this, creating a space that feels natural and authentic while simultaneously selling a brand, idea, or product. 

With this being said, influencer strategies are maturing from short-term contracts to long-term relationships. The shift to long-term partnerships emphasizes brand loyalty from influencers. Not only does this increase familiarity with the audience, but it also builds a sense of trust between what the influencer endorses and what they truly like and use. 


There are many tools for influencer marketing, one being user-generated-content. UGC is another beneficial outcome by default when working hand-in-hand with creators. Re-posting UGC content not only gives the opportunity to organically appear relatable but it also allows potential consumers to better visualize themselves as a part of the brand and using its services. Influencer collaborations naturally increase the amount of UGC your brand has to then utilize for your advantage later. 

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Using organic content makes the brand feel less polished and more relatable and human-like to consumers. For example, in 2023, we’re seeing that photo dumps, trending TikToks, and pop culture references are often doing better than content that is perfectly curated or overly produced. Users like to feel that the brands they are buying from are on the same level as them and understand them as individuals. Brands can tap into this by using creators that align with their potential consumers, giving brands a great segway to accurately target their audience.

Key takeaways:

  • To increase brand awareness and build a relationship with your audience, incorporate creators that align with your brand and harvest genuine relationships with influencers.

  • Humanize your brand by mixing in UGC and relatable content. Authenticity allows your brand to feel trustworthy and reliable to your audience. 

Ready to start collaborating with influencers? Luckily, we made this part easy for you. 

For more social media and influencer marketing tips, be sure to follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our social media newsletter. Chat soon!


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