Everything Our Agency Does to Prep Our Clients for Q4

Picture this: you have your long-awaited Pumpkin Spice Latte in hand when you’re suddenly hit with the gut-wrenching September scaries because *dun, dun, dun* the busiest marketing season of the year is upon you.

Getting déjà vu? You’re not the only one. 

Keep reading to discover how our agency preps our clients for Q4!


Prevent holiday headaches by emailing your clients now about holiday deadlines. 

Each year during the first week of October, we email all of our clients an outline of important holidays coming up (ie Black Friday & Christmas) and kindly request that all holiday posts, campaigns, details, assets, contests, and special requests are submitted to us at least two weeks in advance.

Be upfront from the start and let them know that you will be unable to accommodate any requests provided after the given deadline. After all, this two-week notice prevents delays and lapses in your services for all of your clients, and allows your team to best share their most important marketing messages in a thoughtful + strategic way!

Holiday details to collect include, but are not limited to:

  • Holiday imagery

  • Holiday promotion details

    • Promotion duration dates

    • Discount code (if applicable)

    • Links (if applicable)

  • Last day to order online in time for guaranteed holiday delivery

  • Holiday hours + days of operation (if physical storefront)

Keeping up with all of these details for multiple clients across multiple channels can be a lot. That’s why we have a dedicated Marketing Calendar shared with each client to keep track of all content requests, assets, and due dates in one place!

Unlock a list of the most profitable holidays in Q4 and the exact email template we send our clients about holiday deadlines in our Q4 Promotion Planning Guide.


Communication with clients is always a two-way street. Just like you’re in need of information from them, make sure you’re keeping them in the loop about anything they can anticipate regarding the operation of your business during this busy season as well.

Let clients know what holidays your business observes in Q4 and how that may impact your communication with them or their content. For instance, if you’ll be sending content in advance, let clients know so they can plan accordingly.

Similarly, ask them if they have any upcoming out-of-offices that you could accommodate for them. Let’s keep the holidays a magical time for everyone and their families!

Need an idea of what to say? Check out our Q4 Promotion Planning Guide for the exact template that we send our clients.


Once content requests and promotion details are received, it’s time to map out holiday campaigns. We have a whole blog post on how to create holiday content, but some of our favorite ideas include:

  • Holiday gift guides featuring our client’s products

  • Holiday memes

  • Giveaways

In this content, be sure to mention the last day customers can order in time for guaranteed holiday delivery. Once that deadline has passed, continue pushing for last-minute sales by promoting gift cards!

We hope you enjoyed this inside look at how we prepare our clients for Q4! For more insider tips and email templates, check out our Q4 Promotion Planning Guide. Consider it your starter kit for navigating the September scaries. Enjoy!


The Homies


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