3 Ways to Have a Better Relationship with Social Media

It can be draining working in an industry that revolves around platforms commonly referred to as toxic. With so much emphasis on vanity metrics, such as likes and comments, it’s clear why so many users have an unhealthy relationship with social media. Because of this, it’s important for us to utilize our platform as an opportunity to provide our audience with the resources and tools they need to take a better approach towards social media with their business. Read on for a few of our top tips!


Don’t look at social media solely as an opportunity for you to secure a sale. Rather, focus on building a genuine relationship with your audience. Engage with them in the comments, respond to DMs, and post content that they want to see. Instead of making every post about your products or services, incorporate a mixture of relatable and educational content that is tailored to them and their needs. 

Keep the know, like, trust factor in mind. First, your audience must discover and come to know you. Once they know you, they will like you. Once they like you, they will trust you. And once they trust you, they will be confident enough to buy from you. The key to accomplishing this? Utilize the power of copy to show them the real you and ENGAGE!

Remember: every paying customer begins as a member of your audience. Meaning, one day your current audience could be worth millions. Don’t underestimate the power of building a trusting relationship with them.


Just like all things with work, don’t live, breathe, sleep, and eat social media. You cannot allow it to consume your life and you must set boundaries. Here are a few ideas for things you can start implementing in 2021: 

  • Track your screen time and make goals for yourself to lower it weekly.

  • Set a specific time to put your phone away each night.

  • Turn off your IG notifications or adjust them to be for comments/DMs only.

  • Don’t let social media be the first thing you look at when you wake up in the morning or the last thing you look at before you go to sleep at night.

  • Find a friend also looking to set boundaries and keep each other accountable.

  • Only post as much as you can handle. If it’s overwhelming for you to post 5 times a week on top of running your biz, don’t! Your audience would rather see you show up authentically with quality content a few times a week than everyday with work you know you aren’t proud of.

For more tips, check out our Instagram post filled with 20 ways to unplug from social media


Lastly, we don’t have time for the comparison game in 2021. If there’s an account that constantly brings you down, unfollow them! Don’t waste your energy comparing your life or business to someone else’s highlight reel. Social media is what you make of it, so tailor your feed to what YOU want to see and what will make you happy.

We hope this blog post was helpful for you in learning more about how you can have a better relationship with social media this year! Remember, you are MORE than your Insta feed and the number of likes you received on your last photo. For more social media and wellness tips, keep up with us on the ‘Gram and subscribe to our social media newsletter.

xx- The Homies


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